
Showing posts from December, 2018

Quick catch up with my Dark Angels

Hi all, Been busy over Christmas but managed to get back on the hobby bandwagon today. Taking part in #taleofmorewarlords on Twitter. Here my start.

Primaris Company Champion

So today’s project is Primaris Company Champion, I know it doesn’t exist in the codex yet but hopefully one day it will. Currently I’ll use it as a normal one in match play. 

Christmas Prep D -2

So it is almost on us again, presents sorted, wrapped and under the tree, house like a tip, and stuff in the fridge that wouldn’t be brought any other time year. Just the wait to now see which present you spent the least amount of money on is their favourite, and what expensive stuff get ignored. Also the practice amazing gift face training I’m putting the kids through to make sure nobody is offended. We’ll use to my wife’s family we have a tradition of opening some presents on Christmas Eve, this does help spread the present overload. We always spread bits over all 3 days so they can enjoy each one properly. So Merry Christmas to you all

command squad

The command squad so far.....

Operation Primaris Ancient p3

All done.

Operation Primaris Ancient p2


The morning after the night before

I’m not as young as used to be when rich food and red wine is involved. That is all.

Operation Primaris Ancient

Operation Primaris Ancient So today’s first project is to work out placement of arms to take the standard arm from the old space marine command squad. I was very lucky and swapped this bit from a very awesome gentleman from GW Salisbury.

Day the second

So another day, another night wasted in non hobby, as an upside all the present are wrapped and under the tree. I hope to have more stuff on here over the weekend about the projects I have and also some reviews of audiobooks I’ve enjoyed recently. Main goals this year is 40 games of 40k at 40 this year, I and a few friends are all hitting it in 2019 so plans have to be made.
So it Begins Hello all, used to be many moons ago HobbyDad, but can’t access it now, so let’s start again. I plan to use this to keep my Hobby up to date, and also show my journey back into the hobby, also my sons as he get swept along with me. Hope you enjoy it I’ll add more soon. Bryan